"The Chaika" is a new project that appeared in 2023.
We want to talk with the audience on actual topics with the words of modern authors and classics. We strive to give the audience the opportunity to feel the high theatrical school away from home.
See you at the theater!

Stuck in a frozen city, from which it is impossible to get out. Sverdlov desperately tries to leave, but the planes do not fly, communication is cut off and reality is crumbling. In this place the miners are dead or die after 10 days, museum workers speak with voices of others, and the bear is the only living being. The past, present and future are mixed in the northernmost city of H.
Where is the boundary between dream and manifestation? What to do if your path becomes a closed circle? But you are afraid to do something yourself.
«Black Snowstorm» is a spectacle-puzzle, a trap from which you can not escape. Atmospheric, fascinating, frightening... It’s like a funnel of black snow. Are you ready to step in?
Performance duration 1 hour 30 minutes
playwright Anastasia Bukreeva
director Nikita Betekhtin
designer Michael Zaikanov


We'll get out somehow
About the performance:
What could go wrong if a husband, wife and their lovers gather in a country house? This question can only be one answer: absolutely everything!
The wife is not going to her mother, because her, here, her lover will come, her husband has plans for the weekend to stay here with a young mistress. And nothing can be undone... One lie piles up on the other, and every attempt to cover up the truth leads to another lie, no one seems to understand!
However, without rushing ahead, we suggest you to taste the main dish of sparkling humor bright comedy of the provisions with a real French garnish - witty dialogues, absurd situations and charismatic heroes.
The performance lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Production Designer Svetlana Litvinova
Designer Arseniy Limanov
Costume designer Anastasia Dorotchik
Lighting designer Nikita Loyk
Music and lyrics Fyodor Chistyakov Producers Alexey Dedoborsch,
Egor Morozov
Bernard - Alexey Dedoborsch
Robert - Egor Morozov
Jacklin - Maria Yasinover
Suzetta - Valeria Koltsova
Suzanna - Anna Soldatkina, Alexandra Korney
George - Anton Gunchev, Alexey Taube

About the performance:
This is a story about power, its nature and consequences. About illusion and fear, about blindness and deafness endowed with power & nbsp; and that the main horror is not outside, it is inside.
Shakespeare's King Lear dies. Imagine that it was not death, but oblivion.
The performance as an occasion for conversation and & nbsp; trying to find answers. Man and power. The ruler has the right to decide for everyone? The ruler can do everything? Can a ruler break the law for higher purposes? The superiority of power over man or man over power?
Performance duration 1 hour 20 minutes
production team
Production Designers Alexey Gribel, Archie
costume designer Maxim Chernykh
makeup artist Oksana Matveychuk
sound artist Dmitry Yasnikov
Producers Alexey Dedoborsch, Egor Morozov

This is a story about power, its nature and consequences. About illusion and fear, about blindness and deafness endowed with power & nbsp; and that the main horror is not outside, it is inside.
Shakespeare's King Lear dies. Imagine that it was not death, but oblivion.
The performance as an occasion for conversation and trying to find answers. Man and power. The ruler has the right to decide for everyone? The ruler can do everything? Can a ruler break the law for higher purposes? The superiority of power over man or man over power?
Performance duration 1 hour 20 minutes
Production Designer Svetlana Litvinova
Designer Arseniy Limanov
Costume designer Anastasia Dorotchik
Lighting designer Nikita Loyk
Music and lyrics Fyodor Chistyakov
Producers Alexey Dedoborsch, Egor Morozov

The creators of the play
Theater team

Photos by Ksenia Barabanova

Друзья, мы делаем спектакли на собственные деньги. Нам важно сейчас делать искусство на русском языке и для русскоязычной публики. Чтобы вы улыбались, сопереживали и вспомнили, что такое русская театральная школа.
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С благодарностью,
команда независимого
театра the Chaika
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